Overview of Wedge-HB/XB 3000-3300 Nanosecond Laser
The Wedge-HB/XB laser series are low nanosecond, DPSS lasers with 4mJ, single shot to 2KHz, air-cooled laser capable of 4MW of peak power at 1064nm. Second, third and fourth harmonics options (532nm, 355nm and 266nm) and wavelength conversion option (1.5um) widen the Wedge’s applications range.
Based on a proprietary fast active Q-Switching technology, these sealed DPSS lasers are insensitive to vibrations and harsh environments. The compact and lightweight package represents a great benefit in LIDAR and other aerospace applications, while short pulses and high peak powers, with relatively low heat generation, allows for efficient ablation and non-linear interaction in materials used for OEM applications such as micro-machining and specialty marking of glass, metals, polymers and other hard and soft materials, as well as scientific applications, including LIBs, spectroscopy and medical diagnostics.
Wedge is a flexible platform for realizing custom solutions such as meeting specific time/energy requirements, vibe/shock or other extreme environmental conditions, as well as compliance to Mil-specifications. High power amplifiers can be added to standard oscillators in order to increase performance and meet the demands of a variety of industrial and aerospace applications. Several Wedge based MOPA lasers are currently employed as “optical engines” in high-demanding field applications.
Performance, flexibility, industry proven reliability and overall low total cost of ownership makes the Wedge Series an ideal solution for many industrial, defense and scientific applications.
Wedge-HB/XB 1064 Features:
- Up to 4mJ pulse energy
- Up to 4MW peak power
- 400ps to 1.5ns pulse width
- Single shot to 2kHz
- Monolithic design
- Air cooling
- Low heat waste
- MOPA configurations
Popular Configuration:
Wedge-HB/XB 1064 Applications
- Micromachining of glass
- Specialty marking
- Thin film removal
- Non-linear spectroscopy
- Harmonic and parametric generation
- Visible to IR OPO pumping
- TeraHertz generation
Options Available
- 1064nm, 532nm, 355nm, 266nm and 1.5um options
- Beam expanding and collimating optics
- Fiber Coupling
- Low jitter option
- Extended operating temperature range
- IP68 package
- 28V DC Input for airborne installation
- Circular polarization
- Monitoring photodiode
- Red aiming beam
- Remote control box and software interface
- AC-DC power supply
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